Tobi Amusan, the current world champion in hurdles, began her 2023 season with a bang, winning the women’s 200m at the Auburn Tiger Track Classics. Despite the rainy and wet conditions, the 25-year-old clocked an impressive time of 23.38s, finishing ahead of Chante Clinkscale (23.56s) and Ashantae Harvey (24.46s), both from the University of Auburn.
Although Amusan has primarily focused on hurdles in recent years, she has also excelled in sprint events, as evidenced by her personal best times of 11.11s and 22.60s in the 100m and 200m, respectively. Last year, she enjoyed a phenomenal run of form, setting a new world record of 12.12s in the hurdles, as well as winning titles at the Nigerian, African, Commonwealth, World, and Diamond League levels.
This latest victory is a promising start to the year for Amusan, who will be looking to defend her world title in Budapest and win her third consecutive Diamond League title. With her signature event, the 100m hurdles, on the horizon, this win will undoubtedly provide a confidence boost as she prepares for future competitions in the 2023 season.