Olumo Rock is one of Nigeria’s popular tourist destinations and is situated in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The peak of the rock is 137 metres above sea level.
Olumo Rock is of significant historical and religious importance to the Egba people of the Yoruba who are the predominant inhabitants in the areas around the rock. From 1830 – 1833, during the war with the Dahomeans from present day Benin republic, the rock provided sanctuary to the Egba people as well as a vantage point to monitor the enemy’s advance. When the war ended the Egba families who took refuge under the rock during the war thanked and worshipped the rock for keeping them safe and intact through the war. They settled in the areas around the rock in what is today’s Abeokuta. Abeokuta is a Yoruba word that translates as ‘under the rock’. Abeokuta is a rocky town.
A story is told among the Egba’s about three Europeans who in prospect for precious minerals in the rock decided to blast the rock with dynamite. A crack (which is still visible today) resulted across the surface of the rock clear of the blast centre. Blood and pus gushed out of the rock into the faces of the Europeans blinding them in the process. Shocked, these Europeans climbed down the rock and inquired among the villagers around the rock what this phenomenon meant. The chief priest explained that the Europeans had offended the god of the rock and to appease the god the Europeans were sacrificed to the rock.
Story source: Ogun Radio Website