Nearly everyone in this nation (Nigeria) believes that our foremost need right now is good leadership. We all secretly yearn for a Messiah that would turn our nation around economically, without realizing that the kind of leadership we have right now is what is fitting for the kind of people we have become..
The issue is: would God give righteous leadership to a corrupt people? No way! They won’t appreciate it. They will actually rebel against it. Remember, the Jews killed their own Messiah because He didn’t come in the package they expected. God even sent a forerunner first, to prepare the people to amend their ways, so that they can understand the Messiah and be able to flow along with Him. Guess what they did to the forerunner? They killed him too!
The truth is that the average Nigerian accept, tolerate, celebrate corruption so long as he/she is on the receiving end of the pecks and the special privileges. We only condemn it when we are left out of the parties. Our churches also celebrate the appointments of their members into seemingly juicy political offices. Everyone consider that as opportunity to have a share of the proverbial national cake.
Majority of our so-called social critics are very eloquent until they are given political appointments. You wander what has happened to conscience in this nation.
Can we, with this kind of character, tolerate godly leadership? I am afraid we would not.
Let us not deceive ourselves. God will not give a righteous leader to a corrupt people. We need to first change our orientation before we could demand performance from our leaders.
Until then, like people like priests.