On Monday, the Lagos State Government issued a 7-day ‘Vacation Order’ to motorists and commercial bus drivers operating on top of bridges across the state. Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Transportation, Sola Giwa, stated that vehicles were causing significant obstructions around these bridges, negatively impacting both bridge integrity and traffic flow.
Despite repeated warnings, commercial bus drivers have continued to defy government orders, even as the administration invests substantial resources in constructing standard bus terminals and garages throughout Lagos. Giwa emphasized the urgency for motorist and bus drivers operating along specified bridges to vacate these areas promptly. The Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) will initiate strict enforcement operations immediately after the ultimatum expires until zero tolerance is achieved across the state.
Giwa warned that after the ultimatum expires, vehicles found in violation will face immediate charges in the Lagos State Mobile Court for prosecution. The 7-day ‘Vacation Order’ is effective immediately.