Renowned skit maker and actress, Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori, widely known as Kie Kie, recently disclosed that she and her husband, Tunji Ilori, shared a home before tying the knot. She revealed that this decision stemmed from her lease expiring several months prior to their wedding.
During her appearance as a guest on the latest episode of the TokeMoments podcast, hosted by Toke Makinwa, the mother of one candidly shared the circumstances leading to this choice.
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Kie Kie explained, “My husband and I began living together before our marriage because my rental lease had already expired. My lease was due for renewal in September, and our wedding was scheduled for January. Consequently, I couldn’t renew my rental agreement. By that time, we had already completed our traditional introduction ceremony. The church was not aware of our cohabitation, and I even continued singing in the church choir.”
She also disclosed that initially, she had reservations about getting married, but after a series of prayers and contemplation, she decided to take the step.
In February 2020, Kie Kie and her husband officially tied the knot, and they welcomed their first child, a daughter named Oluwashonaolami Olori, in November 2022.