Ahmed Ololade, popularly known as Asake, has recently added a stunning new car to his collection, and it comes with a hefty price tag of ₦136 million. The singer proudly showcased his latest acquisition on his Instagram story on September 5, 2023. This lavish ride is none other than a brand new G-wagon, which is estimated to cost approximately $179,000, equivalent to ₦136 million at the current exchange rate.
In a series of pictures posted to his Instagram story, the award-winning artist posed with his new treasure. With a sense of accomplishment, he confidently stood atop the vehicle, striking different poses.
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This new addition to his collection is the second SUV Asake has purchased, complementing his white Range Rover Velar, which carries an estimated retail price of about $60,300.
Asake’s fame and success have been on a steady ascent since he entered the spotlight. His recent triumph at the 2023 Headies, where he secured two awards, including the coveted ‘Album of the Year,’ puts him in the same league as established artists like Rema and Burna Boy. Furthermore, he took home an award in the ‘Next Rated’ category. Asake’s career has been on an upward trajectory, highlighted by his sold-out performance at London’s iconic O2 Arena.
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With this new luxury vehicle, Asake joins the ranks of Nigerian celebrities who flaunt their opulent lifestyles through their impressive car collections, following in the footsteps of renowned figures like Davido.
Notably, Asake had reportedly splurged ₦300 million on a brand-new Lamborghini in March 2023, further solidifying his love for high-end automobiles. Davido, another Nigerian music sensation, also boasts a remarkable collection of luxury cars. He acquired a 2021 Mercedes Maybach in March 2022, valued at approximately $160,000 – $161,000. In addition, he gifted himself a Lamborghini Aventador worth ₦300 million for Christmas in 2021. These acquisitions merely scratch the surface of Davido’s extensive car collection.